Steve Clark
0439 990 371
Neil Natalier
0404 863 826
Judy Schultz
Gary Stark
0428 889 148
An initial Working Group meeting was held on 8 October 2024 which included one local producer, several industry representatives, a consultant and Council representatives to discuss the information likely to be needed for the Working Group going forward.
Following the finalisation of the Working Group EOI process, additional local producers will be added to the Working Group for the first full meeting. The date of the meeting will be set after the EOI process has concluded.
The documents presented and discussed at the preliminary meeting, including the Soil Contamination Report, are now avalable to download in the Document Library.
Steve Clark
0439 990 371
Neil Natalier
0404 863 826
Judy Schultz
Gary Stark
0428 889 148
This decision was made following thorough investigations and deliberation of environmental, financial and safety considerations which included the engagement of independent external specialists.
The cost of addressing the range of matters identified had been estimated by an independent specialist to be more than $2 million.
Council determined the high projected cost, the relatively low usage of the facility, and the understanding that doing nothing was not an option, meant that the continued use of the saleyards was not sustainable and was not a responsible use of ratepayer funds.
Following further investigations and discussion, Council has rolled back the decision to close the saleyards and is investigating ways to increase viability.
Council is now focused on working with industry experts and representatives of users of the saleyards to investigate ways to improve the viability of the saleyards with the goal of keeping them open.
Council will provide updates through Engagement Hub, social media and the local newspaper, and may use signs at the Laidley Saleyards. This Engagement Hub website is Council's primary location for the full range of information and updates.
A review of all fees, charges and services relating to the saleyards will be included in the activities of the Laidley Saleyards Working Group to improve viability of the Saleyards.
Any changes to fees, charges or services will be communicated to users and the community to ensure that users can plan accordingly.
For more information please contact Council at or call 1300 005 872.
Council is committed to providing clear and up-to-date information to affected stakeholders. Note that major updates and reports from the Working Group meetings will be available on this website.
The last horse sale at Laidley Saleyards was in December 2023. Horse sale operations ceased with the retirement of the sales agent.
Given previous concerns with suitability of the saleyards for horses, Council took the opportunity to cease all horse sales at the site.
The Laidley Saleyards Working Group (LSWG) is made up of industry experts, four (4) community-based representatives of local users of the Saleyards and relevant Councillors and officers.
Membership from local users was managed through an Expressions of interest process.
The local cattle producers representatives are listed on the main page of this project and can be contacted to discuss ideas and seek feedback from Working Group meetings.
Industry experts include representatives from Stariha Auctions, AgForce and EnviroAg, and others who may be called upon for advice from time to time.