Regional Skateparks Master Plan


Council has obtained grant funding to undertake upgrades which are scheduled for Summer 2021-2022. One of the purposes of the Master Plan and consultation processes was to provide the necessary evidence to support major funding submissions for significant upgrades. All projects seeking Council spending need to be weighed against a range of community priorities. 

The first stage of the consultation (in April and May 2019) will be gathering information on types of use and preferred elements at the region's skateparks. The results of this consultation will be used by a skatepark designer to come up with concept plans that reflect the feedback from skatepark users, within budget and environmental limitations. The concept design for Gatton Skatepark Upgrades will be added to this site once available from the contractor.  

Council receives requests from time to time for shade at some skateparks and will consider installing shade structures subject to the following: 

  • Council encourages parents/guardians to provide active supervision of their children and would consider shaded seating for spectators
  • Users of skateparks are not required to stay in the sun and need to take responsibility for being sunsmart
  • There are many sporting and recreational venues across Queensland that are exposed to the sun and don't have shade for participants. This includes cricket fields, football fields, netball courts and beaches
  • Shade structures at skateparks would come from the same budget as skatepark development and therefore leave less available funding for upgrading the skateable surface
  • Council received grant funding from the Australian Government to install shade shelters at Gatton Skatepark in 2020

Council is not currently considering any new skateparks in the region in the next 5 years based on the following factors: 

  • Gatton and Laidley skateparks are the most used and can be at capacity regularly
  • Current levels of use of other existing skateparks in the region is generally low
  • Its not cost-effective to have skateparks in all towns and users should expect to undertake some travel within the region
  • Council will consider new skateparks where population growth indicates a significant need
  • Extensions are scheduled for Gatton in 2021-22 effectively doubling the size of the skateable surface
  • Extensions are possible at Laidley in the future, subject to Council obtaining funding

Lockyer Valley Regional Council's skateparks are at: 

  • Forest Hill, Forest Hill Recreation Ground, Railway Street
  • Gatton, Lake Apex, Western Drive
  • Helidon, Tyson Park, Railway Street
  • Kensington Grove, Bertrand Avenue
  • Laidley, Laidley Recreation Reserve, Edward Street
  • Murphys Creek, Murphys Creek Ground, Dodts Road
  • Withcott, Jean Biggs Park, Jean Street


Gatton Skatepark will receive a major upgrade commencing early January 2022 (weather permitting), effectively doubling the skateable surface. 

Upgrades include a bowl and new street skating features and integrates with the existing skatepark. Additionally, lighting will be installed to allow for evening skating. 

Note that the skatepark will be completely closed during construction which is expected to occur from January 2022 until mid-May 2022 (weather permitting). Please note that the February flood event damaged some works in progress and have resulted in a further delay to April. See the bottom of the home page for the location of other local skateparks. 

Council has received grant funding from the Australian Government's Drought Communities Programme to undertake upgrades at Forest Hill and Gatton Skateparks. Upgrades include:

  • Install shade shelters at Gatton Skatepark by the end of 2020
    • These will be between the carpark and the skatepark
  • Undertake safety repairs to banks and concrete edges at Forest Hill Skatepark by the end of 2020
    • These will be similar to recent work undertaken at Laidley Skatepark

Council is currently investigating an option to reseal and extend the bitumen BMX section of the Laidley Skatepark.