Waste Management Strategy 2024-2030

Project Overview

The community is invited to review Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Waste Management Strategy 2024-2030.

It is a statutory obligation for Council to have a Waste Management Strategy under the provisions of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011. The draft strategy sets a clear pathway for the management of solid waste in the Lockyer Valley region towards and beyond 2030.

Council previously sought community feedback to understand community views, values and attitudes on aspects of waste management to assist in the preparation of this strategy. Feedback was obtained through a survey entitled Community Views on Waste Management from 22 November 2023 to 13 December 2023. The analysis report detailing the results of this survey is available in the Document Library on this project page.

Please see the "We Listened" section on this project page for several key pieces of community feedback that are reflected in the strategy.

The Waste Management Strategy 2024-2030 is available in the Document Library on this site.

Formal submissions in response to the strategy closed on Sunday, 27 October 2024.

For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or mailbox@lvrc.qld.gov.au.

We Listened

Focus Areas

Focus Area 1: Avoid and reduce waste generation

Waste Education and Behaviour Change plan

Education programs 

Promotion of product stewardship schemes

Waste characterisation surveys 

Focus on illegal dumping and reducing litter

Resource recovery at events

Focus Area 2: Organics recovery and carbon management

Opt-in kerbside garden organics service

Processing of collected organics locally

Collaboration with local business to maximise local re-use of composted organics

Focus Area 3: Recovery of resources

Recommencement of Gatton Material Recovery Facility

Improved Tip Shop at Laidley Transfer Station

Broader resource recovery 

Circular Economy leadership

Improved operational efficiency 

Better practice options for waste

Focus Area 4: Sustainable waste services and infrastructure

Rationalisation of waste transfer facility network

Master planning and upgrade program

Improved operational performance

Long-term residual waste disposal solution

Service growing Plainland area

Improved environmental management

Focus Area 5: Leading by example

Collaboration on regional waste management

Funding opportunities for waste programs

Integration of circular economy principles

Maintain full cost pricing approach

Data collection and consistent reporting