Future of Lake Apex and Lake Freeman – HAVE YOUR (Refreshed) SAY

Project Overview

Lockyer Valley Regional Council is inviting you to have your say on the future options for the Lakes Precinct which includes Lake Apex and Lake Freeman in Gatton. We want to know what the lakes mean to you, and how we can work together to improve, protect and preserve the quality, role and function of the lakes for generations to come.

It has been more than a decade since the original Lake Apex Park Master Plan came into effect. Council wants to hear from the community about what matters most and gather early ideas for how we might revisit the Master Plan for a more resilient Lakes Precinct.

Council has identified the importance of conducting an early insight ‘pulse-check’ with the community to see what you think has changed and gather new ideas about what matters most to you and the broader regional community on the lakes.

There are many ways to have your say including an online community survey, youth drawing competition (for children 5 to 12 years) and pop-up stalls at a range of community events across the region in the month of October into the first week of November.

Best of all, survey and drawing competition participants will have the chance to win one of three $100 vouchers, donated by the Lockyer Chamber of Commerce & Industry. So, what are you waiting for? Have your say today!

Have your Say

  • CLICK HERE to complete the Online Survey and go into the random draw to WIN one of two$100 vouchers
  • CLICK HERE to download the Youth Drawing Competition and go into the draw to WIN a $100 voucher
  • Visit a consultation pop-up stall at a range of community events across the month of October and first week of November – all welcome, stay tuned here for more details to come.
  • Drop by Council’s Customer Service Centres or Libraries across the region
  • Scan the QR code featured on corflutes placed around Lake Apex and Lake Freeman to partake in the online survey
  • Stay in touch or find out more, contact council via regionaldevelopment@lvrc.qld.gov.au

Map View

  • The Lakes Precinct

    'The Lakes Precinct' includes Lakes Apex and Freeman, and the parkland bounded by Dennis Minson Drive to the east, Lake Apex Drive to the north and Western Drive to the west.

  • Key Consultation Dates


    • September: Lake Apex and Lake Freeman Master Plan Refresh Commences
    • Mid October: Community Engagement Kick-Off - Community Survey and Youth Drawing Competition Commences
    • Sunday 7 November: Community Survey and Drawing Competition closes 

Stay tuned for all the latest news here

Council will keep you updated as the project progresses.