The NRM Working Group held their first workshop on Tuesday 25 June 2019, with 38 members in attendance. The purpose of the first workshop was for the NRM Working Group members to get to know each other and appreciate the diversity of stakeholders within the group. Their first task was to collectively create a list of principles they will follow when working together to achieve their overall purpose.
Council Officers collated all the NRM Working Groups recommendations into a list of Principles. These Principles were then incorporated into a Draft Terms of Reference document which was distributed to the NRM Working Group members for comment. Comments were received and incorporated into the final Natural Resource Management Working Group Terms of Reference document which was adopted by Council on 24 July.
A newsletter was created to summarise the activities and findings from the first workshop. The NRM Working Group members will use this newsletter to disseminate information to the community members they are representing. The newsletter and adopted Terms of Reference are available in the Document Library section to the right.
Natural Resources are something that is found in nature (such as a sunlight, soil, minerals, water, air, forests and animals) and is valuable to humans (as in providing a source of food, energy, recreation, or scenic beauty).
Lockyer Valley’s NRM Strategy will identify our unique natural assets, threats to these assets and the strategic outcomes required to achieve the community’s aim of ensuring our region's natural assets are valued and protected.
Lockyer Valley’s NRM Plan will be a 10-year plan that prioritises actions and assigns responsibilities and timeframes for each action, for both Council and the community to achieve the community’s aim of ensuring our region's natural assets are valued and protected.
A strategy is a broad overarching document, which outlines high level outcomes intended to achieve a shared vision. Our community's shared vision is identified in the Community Plan 2017-2027.
A Plan is a more detailed document which assigns actions, responsibilities and timeframes required to achieve the high level outcomes listed in the strategy.
The NRM Plan will help Council and the community prioritise funding and resources towards on-ground actions which help us achieve the Community Plan’s aim of “ensuring our region's natural assets are valued and protected".
See the “NRM Plan - Project Summary - Fact Sheet” document in the Key Documents for more information.
We are hoping that the Working Group will include a broad range of community representatives.
For more information on how to register your expression of interest, and to see if you meet the eligibility criteria, please see the “NRM Plan project - EOI Process - Fact Sheet” document under Key Documents.
The NRM Working Group’s main functions will include:
The aim is to have the NRM Strategy completed by December 2019 and the more detailed NRM Plan completed by June 2020.
It is proposed that the NRM Strategy will have a 10-year duration with the more detailed NRM Plan being effective for 5 years, with actions prioritised and implemented over that time. Both documents will be periodically reviewed and revised.