Demolition of the existing hall has been completed. Construction of the new community centre was originally expected to be completed by late May 2024, however project delays for the contractor have resulted in building construction expected to be completed by the end of June 2024. It will likely be another month or so until internal fit-out is complete and the centre is open for use.
The new centre will be constructed at the existing Alex Geddes Hall site, on the corner of Markai Road and Topaz Crescent.
Following the 2022 floods, Council completed a condition assessment of Alex Geddes Hall and its appropriateness for both general community activities and as a place of shelter during disasters. As a result of this condition assessment and in consultation with key stakeholders, Council resolved at the January 2023 General Meeting to construct a new community centre.
This project is a great outcome for the Lockyer Waters community, providing them with a fresh facility for a wide range of community gathering events and a place of shelter during disasters.
This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program, as part of Council’s Community Safer Places project.
As no community facility will be available as a place of shelter during the construction project, Council urges the community to have a well-prepared emergency plan that considers leaving early if vulnerable to flooding, fires and isolation.
For detailed information on ways families and your household can be prepared for disasters visit
Council has previously consulted with key stakeholders (including community representatives) in relation to the overall project and functionality of the new community centre.
The primary purpose of this engagement phase is to inform the community of the proposed timeline for demolition of the existing hall and construction of the new centre, and to increase awareness regarding planning for disasters during this construction period.
Council will develop a venue management plan during the construction period in consultation with the local hall committee.
The venue will be available for bookings once that process is finalised.
Under disaster management legislation and frameworks, evacuation centres have a very specific meaning and purpose. The Lockyer Waters Community Centre will be used as a Place of Shelter when needed. This means, like many rural halls across the Lockyer Valley, that the local community will be able to gather there and provide support to each other until emergency services are able to access the area.