EOIs will remain open for applications which may address stakeholder gaps or vacancies.
The Lake Apex Community Advisory Committee (LACAC) has been established to maximise long-term community outcomes of the entire Lake Apex-Lake Freeman precinct (the Precinct) by promoting and guiding development, protection, enhancement and sustainability of the precinct through a partnership between community stakeholders and Lockyer Valley Regional Council (Council).
The functions of the Lake Apex Community Advisory Committee include:
- Monitoring the implementation of the Lake Apex Master Plan as a cooperative venture between Council and the broader community;
- Reporting to Council and the wider community on the development and implementation of the Lake Apex Master Plan and the state of the Lake Apex-Lake Freeman wetlands.
LACAC operates as a voluntary partnership between the community and Council for identifying opportunities and concerns and developing ideas. Council makes the final decisions on implementation within the limitations of available budget and regulations, and operational priorities.
Council is seeking expressions of interest for additional members to particularly represent the following interest groups:
- off-leash dog park users
- skatepark users
- general community use
To be eligible for membership on the Group, nominees from the community should:
- Reside or work within, or be closely affiliated with, the Lockyer Valley Regional Council local government area
- Have strong community links with users of the precinct or specific parts of it
- Be committed to working positively in partnership with Lockyer Valley Regional Council to achieve positive outcomes
- Represent broad community interests rather than personal interests.
Open and Close Dates
- Open on Wednesday 8 May 2019
- Round 1 closes on Sunday 2 June 2019
- EOIs will remain open for applications which may address stakeholder gaps or vacancies
How to Apply
- Download and read the Terms of Reference and LACAC -New Member EOI - Fact Sheet, from the Document Library on the right, AND;
- Download the Submission Form for Membership, from the Document Library, AND;
- Complete the Submission Form for Membership, detailing how you meet the criteria, AND;
- Lodge it with Council ASAP via any of the options below:
- Upload in the Submit Application section on the right, OR;
- Email to mailbox@lvrc.qld.gov.au with the Subject: LACAC Expression of Interest, OR;
- Post to Lockyer Valley Regional Council, PO Box 82, Gatton, Qld 4343, OR;
- Take to one of Council's Customer Service Centres
More Information
For more information on the Lake Apex Community Advisory Committee group and process please contact Council by calling 1300 005 872 or emailing mailbox@lvrc.qld.gov.au.